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    The mission of is to connect professional entertainers with quality job opportunities and provide up-to-date news and information covering the entertainment industry in Las Vegas. We also represent, support, and advocate for the interests of the entertainment community.


    See the most recent auditions on @VegasAuditions Instagram page.


    © VegasAuditions 2001-2023

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    Doubble Troubble Entertainment
    Nick & Alex Karvounis, Founders

    Doubble Troubble Entertainment was founded in 1981 by identical twins, Nick and Alex Karvounis. For more than 30 years, Nick and Alex have been providing services to the entertainment, advertising, and travel & tourism industry. From their award-winning two-man comedy/variety show, to publishing and creative services, they continue to provide important and relevant services to their community and businesses seeking professional services and positive results.

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